Genre: Comedy Director : Leonardo Foti Cast: Sean Young, Edward Asner, Marina Benedict, Adam Korson Synopsis: It’s a special night for the Buoitton Family. Charles and Linda, extremely wealthy couple, invite their closest friends and family members to dinner. Before dinner is served Charles raises the glass for a toast to his family and falls …
Sex And The Future
Genre: Comedy Director: Ethan Zvi Kaplan, Luis Carlos Hueck Cast: Ellie Patrikios, Revell Carpenter, Torrey Richardson Synopsis: When misfits Barry and Evan design their ideal woman as a robot, they realize a fortune could be made if they had the money to mass produce their prototype. A wealthy prince soon finds out about their invention …
Rag Tale
Genre: Comedy Director: Mary Mcguckian Cast: Golden Globe Nominee Malcolm McDowell (Clockwork Orange, Heroes), Golden Globe Nominee Jennifer Jason Leigh (Synechedoche Newyork, In the Cut, The Machnist, Jake Squared, Revenge TV Series), Rupert Graves (V for Vendetta, Death at a Funeral) Synopsis: Rag Tale is a romance that plays out in the splashy, sensational world of …