Genre: Action Director: DANIEL J.GILLIN Cast: MICHAEL MADSEN (Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill Vol 1); ERIC ROBERTS (Dark Knight Rises, Heroes); MICHAEL MASINI (Grand Junction, Passions TV Series); ALI COSTELLO (Shamelove) Synopsis: TROPHY tells the story of men’s obsession for power and how far they will go sometimes claim the “Prize”. TROPHY adds a new twist …
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Genre: Action, Drama Synopsis: When ruthless drug lord Raffaello murders the family of a little girl named Angel in a gangland hit in Spain, he makes one fatal mistake: Letting her life. Thus, Raffaello sets a bloody chain of events in this gritty street tale of revengeā¦ and its cost. Cast: Romina Di Lella, Robert Davi, Damian Chapa, …